It commences thus: "Forasmuch as Oliver Cromwell, called Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland, chief ruler according to man, hath bound himself by an oath and sworn that he will uphold and maintain the true reformed Protestant Christian religion in the purity thereof, as it is contained in the Old and New Testament of the scriptures, which oath he is bound to perform before the Lord and unto all men. Now it remains to be tried and proved what the Christian religion is and who they are in these nations that are of the true reformed Protestant Christian religion, in the purity thereof, as it is contained in the scriptures. There are abundance of sects and diversity of judgments, and many assemblies and gatherings of people, who are diverse in their ways, in their practices, and in their forms of religion in these nations who do all profess the scriptures and that their form of religion is according thereto. But this cannot be, for the scriptures, which were given forth by the one Spirit of God, bear not witness of many true ways or unto many true religions, but unto the one truth and unto one true religion. It is the declaration of one way of life and salvation by one, Jesus Christ. There is no other name under heaven given for salvation, and they that believe on him and receive him, these are they only that are of the true religion. They are guided by the Spirit and changed thereby from death to life. Such have unity with the Father and with the Son and one with another. They are not of this world, but heirs of the kingdom of God.
Therefore, come all sorts of people and let us try and prove who it is that is of the true religion, and who it is he is bound to maintain and uphold by his oath. Come, I say, all sects and sorts of people, and appear to trial. Dare you join issue with me in this matter and try your profession and practice of religion, whether it be according to the scriptures in the purity thereof, yea or nay? The Lord hath put it in my heart to lay you all to the line of true judgment and to prove you, whether you must be upheld and maintained in your religion, yea or nay. Come claim your privilege if your profession and practice in religion be according to the scriptures, then you may own your right and the benefit of the Protector's oath. But if your profession and practice in religion be otherwise and not according to the scriptures, then you must stand back and defend yourselves if you can, for the Protector is not bound to maintain and uphold you in your practice of religion. And with this argument I shall try you all. Whatsoever is professed and practiced for religion for which there is neither command nor precedent in scripture, is not according to the scripture. Let this fall where it may, it is truth. Therefore all people come to trial and receive your judgment by this rule.
And first, the true religion is walking with God in purity and holiness, a performing of good to him and not doing any evil. It is a belief in Christ and receiving of him and through the operation of his Spirit to be changed into his image and the body of sin and death put off. It is living to God in all things, and not a living to this vain world in any thing, but in all things to be guided by the Spirit of Christ. This, in short, is a description of the true religion. And they that are of this religion shall be saved in the day of the Lord, and in equity and righteousness should be protected according to the oath before mentioned. Or else the oath is not performed in justice, but rather broken through transgression.
And first of all, as concerning that profession and practice in religion which is most general in these nations, I mean such as sprinkle infants and are sprinkled being infants; professing it to be the baptism into the faith of Christ and that it is a seal of the new covenant and of remission of sins, and that thereby people are made capable of union with Christ, and that it is a sign of regeneration, &c., this is practiced and professed by many for religion. But this practice and doctrine are not according to the scriptures. Therefore all ye, through all these nations, that are made Christians and own your title in Christianity, and a right to fellowship with Christ; and that ye are joined to the church and become members of Christ, because you were sprinkled when you were infants, and all ye that preach this for doctrine and practice it for religion, you are not of the true Christian religion, in the purity thereof, as it is contained in the scriptures; this I do affirm. What you practice and profess, there is neither command nor precedent in scripture. If you could show any, you are now called and a necessity is put upon you to make use of your knowledge, if you would be protected in this commonwealth in your practice of religion.
Likewise you sing, and give to sing David's Psalms in rhyme and meter, professing it is to the glory and honor of God. Ye practice this as an ordinance of God, as a part of his worship and as a part of your religion, but this practice and profession also are manifest not to be according to the scriptures; because it was never commanded, neither is there any precedent for this practice in the scriptures in gospel times. Therefore in this part of your religion you cannot justly claim to be protected and maintained because the Protector's oath reacheth not to uphold and maintain any such practices in religion which are not according to the scriptures.
Likewise, all ye whose ministers preach for hire and have hire for preaching, so much a year, and so much a sermon at a town or a parish in a settled place, and who take tithes and compel people to pay tithes by a law, such are not the ministers of Christ. And ye that uphold such for the ministers of Christ are false in judgment and blind in understanding and are not of that Christian religion which is according to the scriptures in the purity thereof, neither ministers, nor people, for the ministers of Christ never acted any such thing. They were the false prophets and false apostles that preached for hire and for gifts and rewards. Neither did the saints and churches of Christ look upon them that acted those things to be ministers of Christ but on the contrary, they declared them to be deceivers. So that all you people and you professed ministers that act those things that the false prophets acted, and you people that love to have it so and give hire to your ministers for preaching, and consent unto it, none of you are of the Christian religion, as it is held forth in the scriptures because this part of your practice in religion is not according, but contrary to the scriptures.
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