The true God is a Spirit and is infinite, eternal, and everlasting, the Creator of all things, the life and being of all things, and the power by which all things stand. All creatures have a being in him and by him, and without him no creature is or doth move upon the face of the earth. This is He whom we worship and fear and obey, and he brings to pass by his counsel whatsoever he will and nothing can prevent the purpose of his mind, but his counsel stands for ever.
He is the righteous judge of all things, and before him must all mankind come to judgment and the living and the dead by him must be judged. He is a rewarder of every one according to their deeds, whether they be good or whether they be evil. His greatness, power, majesty, and dominion are over all and beyond all, ruling above all in the power of his own will, and who may say, "What doest thou?"
His eye seeth all and his presence filleth all, and no creature can be hid from his sight. He is near at hand and afar off. He searcheth man's heart and trieth his reins, and he showeth unto man his own thoughts. He justifieth the righteous and condemneth the wicked. He is light itself, and in him is no darkness at all. This is the true God whom we worship.
The Son of God, who is called Christ, the Prince of peace and righteousness, is one with the Father in power and dominion and was with him before the world was. By him the Father created all things, and without him was not any thing made that was made. He is heir of all things and is the prince of the kingdom of righteousness, of peace, and of truth. He is the Word and power by which all things consist, and is the salvation of mankind, and the very life of the world. He inherits life and immortality and is the Redeemer, Savior, Deliverer, and Restorer of the children of men. He is the very wisdom and power of the Creator, and the Father doth nothing without the Son, and by him and through him the Father brings all things to pass. By him the Father will judge the whole earth and all the children of Adam therein.
This Christ Jesus, the Son of God, is the life and light of the world and hath enlightened all mankind. Every one that cometh into the world is lighted by him with the true light of life or condemnation. And what the Son doeth, the Father doth also. He is at his right hand exalted and is the very express image of the Father, and is the Father's gift into the world and is given to all mankind that they may have life by him. All that receive him have life and salvation. But many receive him not, and they that receive him not, perish, even because they do not receive him whom the Father hath given into the world. For he is the arm of God's salvation and is the leader of his people.
The Spirit is with the Father and with the Son. He is present every where, filleth all places, and is for ever and ever. He trieth all things and revealeth the things of the Father and of the Son unto all that believe in the Son. He makes manifest and searcheth into the deep things of God, and witnesseth the salvation of the just and the condemnation of the unjust. He is not absent from any place or contained in any one place.
The Father and the Son work all things through him and bring all things in heaven and earth to pass by him. He works in the hearts of the children of men and witnesseth of the Father and of the Son in every one, to the justness, greatness, righteousness, and power of the Eternal Creator that made all things by the Son through his Eternal Spirit. He is one with the Father and with the Son and is the worker of their will and mind in all things. He worketh in the wicked to reprove them and to witness against them that God is angry with them. He worketh in the righteous and witnesseth the love, and mercy, and peace of the Father unto them. He that can receive it, let him. This is the testimony of the Spirit of God, that he leadeth into all truth and out of all evil, all that are guided by him and he is given to be the guide and rule of life to the children of God.
Man was created in the image of God, and was without sin or evil brought forth, to do the will of him that created him, and was Lord over all creatures to use them to the glory of the Creator, and all creatures were to serve him. But man transgressed against his Maker, offended and dishonored him, and became degenerate, and he grieved his Maker continually and was driven out from the presence of the Lord. He is now a child of disobedience and of wrath and an enemy in his mind against the Lord that made him. He is doing and fulfilling daily the will of the devil, and grieveth the spirit of God and vexeth his righteous soul, and is subject unto the curse of woe and destruction.
Being ignorant of the life and power and wisdom of the creator to guide him and to preserve him, he follows the counsel of his own heart, which is evil altogether. Though he was made upright, yet he hath sought out many inventions which are abominable unto the Lord. The ground in which he stands is corrupted and all his fruit is unpleasant, even bitter and evil unto the Lord's taste. Man is fallen into the pit of misery and sorrow, compassed about with desolation, and is left without help from himself or from any other creature. This in short is the state of all mankind upon the face of the earth.
Man was planted a noble vine, wholly a right seed, to bring forth good fruit unto his Maker, but he is turned into a degenerate plant, bringing forth cursed fruits which the Creator hath not pleasure in. His best works are not accepted and his evil deeds are condemned, because the ground in which he stands is accursed, because of disobedience.
and the state of things as they have been, and as now they are.
Darkness hath been over the face of the earth, and thick darkness hath covered the people for many ages. The beast hath reigned upon the face of the whole earth, and all nations have been subject to his power and dominion. Even the kings and princes of the earth have given their power unto him and all the world hath wondered after him, as it is written; and the whole world hath worshiped the beast and his image. He hath power to kill all that would not worship him. Both small and great, rich and poor, have been subject to his government; and he hath had power to war against the saints, and to make war with them, and to overcome them, even all that would not worship him. The rule and government of the Son of God hath not been witnessed among men for ages, nor the true God known, nor manifestly worshiped in spirit and truth, but he hath been as a stranger among men, and they have been ignorant of his ways and judgments.
People have been doing that which is right in the sight of their own eyes, and God hath been forgotten days without number. The living fountain hath been forsaken and many broken cisterns have been hewn out which have not holden pure water. Great evils and continual abominations have been acted in the sight of God and the measure of iniquity hath been fulfilling through many generations, and it is grown nigh to the full. The law of God hath been made void and his grace hath been turned into wantonness, and all things have been out of good order. Kings, princes, rulers, governments, laws, and decrees have been corrupt and not right in the sight of the Lord. Oppressions, tyranny, and vainglory have abounded in the nations; justice and true judgment have been neglected, mercy and truth have been strangers, the world hath been filled with violence, and the earth stained and polluted with oppressions, injustice and cruelties. The cry of the poor hath not been heard. Everyone hath sought himself and not the Lord, nor the good one of another.
The kings and princes of the earth have not been perfect nor upright before the Lord, but vainglory hath abounded, and superstitions and idolatries have reigned over them, and unrighteousness and self-seeking have abounded. They have risen up one against another, quarreling and destroying one another, to gain one another's dominions by craft, and policy, and a strong hand, and the poor have been oppressed and trodden down, and thousands of thousands destroyed to fulfil the will, and lust, and pride of their hearts.
All this hath been evil in the sight of the Lord, and his soul hath been weary with it, by the destruction of his creatures one by another. Rulers, teachers, and people have been out of the way and subverted from that wherein God hath pleasure. And the prince of darkness hath ruled in his dominion, swaying his government, and things both of civil and spiritual concern have been out of the counsel of the Lord. Oh, what cruel injustice and tyranny in civil government! What abominable superstitions and idolatries have been in (supposed) Church governments!
It is a vexation to the Spirit of the Lord to consider it, and the righteous soul hath long cried out and mourned under it. And because of this is the Lord of heaven and earth now risen to overturn, to overturn kings and princes, governments and laws. He will confound and break down tyranny and oppression under which the poor have groaned, and he will change times and laws and governments. There shall be no king ruling but Jesus, no government of force but the government of the Lamb, no law in effect but the law of God. All that is otherwise shall be ground to powder.
The kingdom of the most high shall rule amongst men, and the kingdoms of this world shall be changed and shall become the kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ. And the Lord shall be known in the earth to be the God of truth and of righteousness. Justice and mercy, and truth shall be exalted, and true judgment shall be set up in the nations, and the worship in spirit and in truth shall be established, for the Lord is gathering his numberless number to stand before his throne without guile in their mouths and without fault before him.
What They Are, and by Whom They Are Wrought
Man's restoration is a repairing and giving again that which he had lost by transgression. Redemption is a recovering and a winning again, and setting free from that wherein man hath been held, even all the sons of Adam, because of disobedience. Salvation is a saving, keeping, and preserving from disobedience, sin, and death and all the ways thereof, and also a saving from wrath, misery, and condemnation, which are the effects thereof. By the Son of God, Christ Jesus, is all this wrought, manifested, and witnessed. And restoration, redemption, and salvation are only in Christ Jesus, the second Adam, and not in any other, and wrought by him, and by no other.
They are the free gift of the Father unto the sons of men, and in no way purchased by the works of the creature or any desert of him, but are freely given unto the creature through the power and wisdom of the Creator, and only by Jesus Christ the Son of the eternal God. And by the eternal Spirit are they witnessed in all that believe, and through the word of life are they handled, tasted, seen and felt near at hand, in power and not in words only.
Many profess in words what others enjoyed of these things, but have not felt in themselves the working of the eternal Spirit, neither have they the witness in themselves of being restored to God again and of being redeemed by him from under the devil's power. Neither are they saved by Christ from sin and transgression, and so are not nor can be saved from condemnation and wrath, for who abide in their sins and in the state unreconciled to God have not any part or portion in those things which belong to their peace, and without the knowledge of which, by the working of the eternal Spirit, all mankind are everlastingly miserable.
This is true religion, to be kept pure and clean from all evil and from all that which would defile in the sight of the Lord and to walk in his fear in all things. This is religion, to do good and to do no evil, to speak the truth and to do the truth in all things, to do unto all men as a man would be done unto, and to love God with all the heart and the neighbor as himself, and not to love the world and the ways and pleasures of it, nor to use deceit in words or actions. This is true religion and the true worship of God, to be led with his Spirit in all things and to be guided in the truth at all times and on all occasions.
This is acceptable, and well pleasing unto God, above all words and outward conformity, and set times, and days, and observances. For the worship of God is not in these things, but is without respect of days, places, or things. This religion and worship stands in Christ Jesus the second Adam who hath lighted every man that comes into the world, that all men through him might believe and by him have their consciences purely exercised toward God and towards man in all things. And this is our religion and worship of the true God. He that can receive it, let him.
Justification is freely given by Jesus Christ in the sight of the Father and not by the works of man's own righteousness. Such as are taught by Christ and guided by him in all the ways of truth and righteousness are justified by him and none else, not in any word or work whatsoever, but in what they are led to fulfill by him. It is the new man that is justified and not the old. He that is born of God and none that are born of the flesh. Such cannot please God neither can such be justified by him, for they are not taught of him, nor saved, nor restored, nor redeemed, and therefore are not justified nor cleared from condemnation in the sight of the Lord. Those who live in iniquity and sin and the ways and works of the world, which are evil, are condemned by Christ Jesus and not justified. Though in words they profess him, yet of justification by him they have no part.
Sanctification is by the working of the eternal Spirit in the heart of the creature who purgeth out and taketh away all unrighteousness. All the works and fruits of darkness it witnesseth against, and witnesseth unto Jesus, who takes away all sin and destroys the works of the devil so that man may be holy and pure in the sight of his Maker. Every one that hath the witness of his justification hath the operation by the eternal Spirit of sanctification, and all that receive Christ Jesus who hath lighted every man that cometh into the world receive sanctification and justification by him, and he unto us is made so of the Father. He that can receive it, let him.
The kingdom of God and of his Son is not of this world, but is from above, and stands in righteousness and in truth, in mercy and in peace, and in true judgment and justice. This dominion is from everlasting to everlasting and reacheth beyond all the world. Its government is love and unity and everlasting peace and is perfect liberty to the just, and bindeth and chaineth the unjust. In it there is no oppression but perfect freedom from all unrighteousness, and it consists not in word, but in power, to the bringing down of the kingdom of the devil and to the breaking off the bonds of all injustice and all ungodliness, which is the kingdom of Satan, which hath long ruled in the world. That kingdom whereof Christ is king, which stands in righteousness, no unclean thing can have any part in.
This we believe shall be set up and advanced in the earth, but not by might of man or arm of flesh, nor the multitude of an host, neither by policy, craft, nor by revenge, but by the arm of the Lord alone through the suffering and patience of his people and by faithful witness-bearing unto Jesus Christ by doing and by suffering, by his will in all things in a pure life and conversation and upright walking in the sight of the Lord and by patient suffering under the injustice and oppression of men and of their unjust government and laws, till they be overturned and confounded. And further we give testimony that suffering in patience under the cruelty and oppression of the devil's government and kingdom more reaches to overthrow them than the rising to rebel in any way of outward offense toward them or defense from them. The kingdom of Christ is near to come and the kingdoms of this world shall be changed, and none shall have any part therein but they that are redeemed out of kindreds, tongues, and people.
Governors, rulers, and magistrates we own, and do respect in the Lord; (and yet cannot respect any man's person whatsoever) such as be a terror to all evil in their government, and that fear God and hate covetousness, and delight in equity, in justice, and true judgment, who give diligent heed to try the cause of the poor and will judge justly without respect of men, who justify the good and give praise to the well-doer. Such government and governors we reverence, where sin and iniquity are kept under, drunkenness, swearing, murder, quarreling, and all the ways and works of the flesh are terrified, and a well-doer praised and justified. This government of men reaches to the witness of God in every man, and that answers to the justice and righteousness of all such governors and government, and these witness that they are of God.
But the witness of God in every man beareth witness against all unjust men, laws, rulers, and governments which strengthen the hands of the wicked and oppress the just, where the making and execution of laws are in the power of proud and covetous men who fear not God neither hate covetousness nor respect the cause of the poor, but they rule by their wills and tyranny, and not by just laws in righteousness, making unrighteous decrees to oppress the poor and innocent, letting the wicked go free. Such who uphold unrighteous worships and teachers by oppression and cause the innocent to suffer, and make them offenders because of the exercise of a pure conscience towards God and man, such rulers and government we cannot be subject to for conscience sake, but do rather fulfil the law and will of God, though we transgress their wills and unrighteous laws. Yet we do not rebel against them nor seek defense from them, but patiently suffer under them and bear their injustice and cruelty, without seeking any revenge, but leave vengeance to the Lord to whom it belongs.
This is our judgment, that the government and laws which we cannot obey nor fulfil for conscience sake, we choose rather to suffer under for disobedience to them than to transgress the righteous law of God written in our hearts by obeying them. So that what we cannot obey for conscience sake, for conscience sake we resist not, but suffer the punishment of it patiently. And herein are we subject to every ordinance of man for conscience sake, by fulfilling the good, the just, and the righteous and by patiently suffering under the cruelty and oppression of the unjust and unrighteous. This we do and teach every where, subjection to every ordinance of man, and are not destroyers of true government or rebellious against just governors, but are exalters of true justice and judgment in the earth.
The true ministry is sent of God and is the gift of the Holy Ghost, and it stands in the power of the Spirit of God and not in words of man's wisdom which is from below. It brings people to the knowledge of God, which is life eternal, and it turns people from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to the power of God. It is freely received from God and freely given forth by us. It proclaims peace on earth unto such as are of a broken and upright heart, and it proclaims war against all the wicked upon earth.
It is a good savor unto God in setting the way of life and the way of death before all people. The ministry of Christ is free and cannot be bought or sold for money. It is without hire, gifts, and rewards from any man. It is given freely into the world, and it ever was and is persecuted by the generation of the unjust and by the powers of the earth. He that comes in the Father's name cannot be received by the world, but the world is at enmity against him in this generation, as in every generation. It converts people unto the knowledge of God, and many did and many do receive the knowledge of God thereby, though some thereby be hardened against God unto destruction. The word of the Lord and the ministry returns not in vain unto God, but all by it are left without excuse, the witness of Christ in every creature being reached to, which gives testimony to the power and to the truth of the ministry of Christ.
But the false ministers and ministry are not such. Their ministry is received by natural learning and arts and is not the gift of the Holy Ghost, but it stands in the wisdom of man's words and not in the power and life of God. It profits not the people at all, neither do any come to the knowledge of God thereby, neither are they turned from darkness to light, but teachers and people continue in the power of Satan and in the unconverted estate. The witness of God is not reached to bring to the understanding of things which are eternal, but people are ever learning by it and never coming to the knowledge of the truth. But the blind lead the blind, and like teachers like people, all out of the way, given to iniquity and unrighteousness.
Such are they who preach for hire and divine for money and seek for their gain from their quarter, and through covetousness, by feigned words, make merchandise of souls, going for gifts and rewards and teaching for filthy lucre, having settled places and so much a year. These are not the true ministers of Christ, but false ministers of antichrist and deceivers, and were never sent by God and never bring any to the knowledge of God. Such we bear witness against to be of the devil and that for many generations the world hath been deceived by them, who had the form of godliness but not the power, and Christ's words and the Apostles words without the life. They have served themselves and not the Lord Jesus. But now they are made manifest with the true light which approveth the ministry of God and disapproveth such who are ministers of antichrist. All that are in the light and walk in the light can receive this testimony which is given by the Spirit of God and reveals that ministry which is sent by him and which fulfills his will, and is against the false ministry which is not of God, which runs and was never sent by him.
The Gospel is the power of God, and it is sent by him into the world to reconcile unto himself people that have been in the enmity against him. It is peace to the poor in spirit and judgment to the fat and to the high-minded. It is to be preached to every creature under heaven without respect of persons, nations, or generations. It is the manifestation of the love of God to the whole world to gather people out of all unrighteousness into the living way of life, peace, and truth to walk with God in purity and holiness, and to deny the world and all its ways, works, and worships which are evil. By it some are brought to God and to salvation and life eternal, and some through disobedience to it are hardened against God, that they may be destroyed and condemned, who are reprobates and believe not in him from whom the gospel comes.
It cannot be received by any other way or means than by the revelation of Jesus Christ in the hearts of his people, and many have the letter who know not the gospel nor receive it. This gospel, which is everlasting, have we received from God, and this is the sound of it which we give unto the world; fear God and give glory to him, for the hour of his judgment is come.
The Word of God was in the beginning before any creatures were made and by it all things stand and remain unto this day. The Word endures for ever, and by it all things in heaven and in earth are brought to pass which God doeth. It is from everlasting to everlasting, without beginning and without end. It is powerful, dividing and discerning all things, even the secret thoughts of every man's heart. It is as a two edged sword, and as a fire and like a hammer to cut up, to burn, and to beat down. The Word of the Lord reconciles man again to himself, and this word is in the mouth and in the heart. The servants of the Lord handled, tasted, saw, and felt the word of life, and from it spoke forth the scriptures as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, the eternal Spirit. The scriptures are a declaration of the Word of God which was in the beginning and endures for ever, and they declare what the saints received, believed, and enjoyed. None can understand them without the same Spirit that gave them forth, and to such who have the same Spirit the scripture is profitable.
The Word of God, which was in the beginning and which endures for ever, is not the scriptures, which was not in the beginning, but the scriptures testify of that Word, and that Word witnesses to the scriptures, and they are not contrary one to the other, but gives witness each of the other. But many have the scriptures that have not the Word of God, neither know it. But they that have the Word of God cannot but own the scriptures. And this is the truth as it is in Jesus, testified to all the world by us, who deny all that give any other testimony.
There is a devil who is out of the truth, who abode not in the truth, but is a liar from the beginning, and the father of all evil doing and the author of all unrighteousness and whatsoever is contrary to God in thought, word, and action. He is the enmity against God and against all good, and by his power he subverts creatures and things to another end than that wherefore they were created, even to the dishonor of the Creator. He is the God of this world, the prince of darkness, and he rules as king in all the children of the first Adam, who are in evil. He was the cause of the first transgression and is the cause of disobedience to God to this day in all people, who are led by him, moving them to envy, wrath, pride, drunkenness, theft, murder, and all the works of darkness, sin, and death. He is the fountain and root of all these and the leader and ruler in the exercise of them and of every evil word and work whatsoever which are contrary to God. He abode not in the truth, and he hath led all mankind out of truth into all deceit and unrighteousness and into every evil way. And he dwells in darkness, is out of the light, and is separate from the presence of God for ever, bound in chains of darkness and ignorance and unbelief.
He hath power in the earthly part of man and a law in the members, and he possesses him that is born of the flesh, and his covenant is with him who is not born of the seed of God. Those who are born of the seed of God cannot sin. Such are in covenant with God and renewed into his image. But such as are not, the devil hath power to captivate and lead their minds into vanity, and their affections and desires into all that is evil, by which the Spirit of God, the creator of all things, is grieved and his soul vexed. All murder and deceitful works of the world, and whatsoever is contrary to God in words, thoughts, or actions, is of the devil, that wicked one, and from him.
All that follow his movings and work evil thereby serve him and obey him. He is their God and their king, and they are his people and his subjects. He is their father and they are his children. He is their root and they are his offspring, and they bring forth fruit unto him and serve and worship him, and not the true God that made all things. All such must be cast into utter darkness with him and shall have their portion with him in the bottomless pit of darkness for ever and ever, where there is no end of woe, sorrow, and misery. For in the anger of God, the worm dies not, nor the fire is quenched, and out of that there is no redemption for the unclean.
All such who are led of him who is out of the truth and in evil are judged and condemned by him who is the Truth, who judgeth righteously. The devil hath not ceased to work evil and to draw the children of men into evil, for he continually tempteth to lead from God into rebellion against him. They that are led by him and have not ceased to work evil are destroyed and shall not cease to have sorrow, woe, and misery for ever. He liveth and moveth in the anger of God, and all his works are in it, and it shall be the reward of him and all that obey him, in separation from God's everlasting presence for ever and ever.
All creatures that God made, in their creation and beginning, were very good in the sight of him that made them and unto man that was to use them and no creature was evil or defiled in its creation. But man transgressing against his Maker became evil and did evil in the sight of the Lord, and being possessed with evil and corrupted, he makes all creatures evil in the exercise of them, corrupts them, and perverts them to another end than wherefore they were created, and by the creatures, dishonors the Creator, who should have honored him by them. Thus they are become a curse unto man and not a blessing, though in themselves are neither cursed, nor evil, nor defiled, but are become so unto man because of his transgression and disobedience. For he being in the curse and defiled, all things are so unto him, and in his exercise of them he is wicked, abusing them upon the lust to satisfy his devilish mind, and ruling over them in oppression and cruelty and hard-heartedness, and not in the wisdom of God, as he ought.
He subverts them from their pure virtue, feeding his lust in pride and voluptuousness, with that which should keep him from hunger and nakedness, and so pleasing the lust in all things more than satisfying pure nature. This ought not to be, for it is out of the covenant of God in which all creatures were made and in which they stand, except the creature man, who is degenerated out of God's covenant and subverts all things to his own end and not unto the glory of God, while he continues in that state, unreconciled to God.
But man through the condemning of the evil is restored and redeemed and renewed again into covenant with God and then all creatures are restored to him and made blessed. The curse being removed out of his own heart, the creatures are no longer cursed to him, but good, and enjoyed and received in the covenant of God, in the life and virtue by which they were created.
By the wisdom in which they were made, man comes to order them and exercise himself in them, and they are no more spent upon the lust, nor on the vain mind, nor ruled over in oppression. All that is condemned and all creatures are seen to be the Lord's, and the whole earth is his and the fulness thereof, and the abuse of all creatures is ceased and they are enjoyed in the pure virtue to feed and to clothe the creature and not to be destroyed upon the lust, but for the health's sake are they used to the glory of the Creator, and to the end wherefore he created them, and are pure as they were in the beginning, and the blessing is felt which is more than all creatures.
The covenant of God is unity between God and man and a binding each to another to serve each other. The one is bound to obey, submit, and worship and the other to bless, lead, and preserve. This covenant is established with his own seed for ever. And there is no teacher but God. All are taught by him, from the least to the greatest who are in this covenant. His just law is written in their hearts to condemn all transgression, and his pure Spirit is put into the inward parts to be the rule and guide of life in all things. None need to say, "Know the Lord," but all know him in the Spirit and worship and obey him, and follow him in spirit and in truth.
Such are come into peace and reconciliation with God and the covenant with hell and death is broken. In this covenant there is no priest or offering but Christ Jesus the high priest of God, the one offering for sin. He takes away sin and makes intercession. In it is no temple, but our bodies are the temple of God and he dwells in us and he walks in us. And there is no circumcision but the circumcision of the heart, which is the putting away of all the uncleanness of the flesh.
In it there is no means of salvation but Christ, the only way, the truth, and life, and none comes to the Father but by him. He declares of the Father, and there is no light but the light of the Lamb. All that are saved shall walk in the light of the Lamb, and there shall be no need of any other light, no need of the light of the sun or of the moon or of candle, but the Lord is unto them an everlasting light and God alone is their glory.
This covenant is for ever and cannot alter or change, but it is sure unto the seed of his own inheritance. He that is born of the flesh hath no part in it but is shut out from the knowledge of God, who is not known to the wisdom of this world, which is foolishness with God. The knowledge of God is received no other way but only by the revelation of Jesus Christ and by the working of the Spirit of the Father in the heart. He opens the blind eye, unstops the deaf ear, changeth the heart, and causeth it to understand, and he removes that which hath stood in the way between God and the creature, which hath caused ignorance in the creature so that the Lord could not be seen nor perceived.
Christ Jesus the second Adam lighteth every man that comes into the world with the true light. But some hate the light and they will not come to the light lest their deeds should be reproved, and their deeds are evil and they are in a condemned state. Such cannot receive Christ nor the knowledge of God. But such who love the light with which Christ hath enlightened them, they bring all their deeds to the light and walk in the light, and then their deeds are wrought in God, never to be condemned.
Such as love the light receive Christ and the knowledge of God, which is eternal life. And none come to the knowledge of God and of Christ any other way but through the light of Christ and by the operation of the Spirit of God. Evil is condemned out of the heart and the heart is made clean by the Word of God, and the knowledge of God is received into the clean heart, and not into the impure. For without holiness none shall see God, nor ever come to the knowledge of him. Neither can the knowledge of God be received by the traditions of men nor any outward observance in the will of men, but only by the teachings of the eternal Spirit is the living God known in the creature.
Faith is the gift of God, and by it Christ is received and enjoyed. It is the substance of things hoped for and the very evidence of things not seen. It gives the creature to believe God in all that he hath promised. All that is acted and spoken in it is well pleasing unto God, and that which is done without it is sin. It is the strength of the creature to act for God in all things. It is that whereby the world is overcome and all the powers of hell and death. It is the armor against the devil and the defense of all the children of God. By it they overcome all their enemies and through it they reign over all the world. It carries through all sufferings and tribulations with joy and patience.
Faith is an act of God in the creature. Through it peace and righteousness and the crown of life are received from God. By faith all things are received that are received of God by any of his children. He that hath faith sees and feels the Lord's presence at all times, and through faith we do and suffer gladly for the name of Christ in all things. This is our testimony given by the Spirit of the Father of those things of which we have received the knowledge from God, who hath given us his treasure. And we have this treasure in earthen vessels, even the knowledge of those things which are eternal, which is not our own, but the Lord's, to give forth according to his movings, and of those things have we handled, tasted and felt.
Whatsoever work man is moved and led unto by the Spirit of God and guided and ruled in the practice of, to speak or act by the same Spirit, which moveth and leadeth into all the works of righteousness and not unto any evil, this is acceptable in the sight of the Lord and these works are well pleasing to him. Where the Lord goes before and is the leader in all things, this man and his works are justified and accepted by God. Not for the creature's sake, for He respects not the person of any, but for his own name sake, because they are wrought in him through faith, and moved unto and guided by his own Spirit. And they arise from God's righteousness revealed in the creature and not from the righteousness of the creature.
For man being changed and replanted into the living vine, and the root being good, every work which springeth forth from it is good also and accepted of God because the root is so.
But whatsoever works are brought forth by any creature, though the same in appearance as those which are accepted by God from another, yet not being moved unto, nor guided in, by the Spirit of the Father, but brought forth in the will and wisdom of the creature, which is from below, and acted in imitation from the saints words, these works are not accepted and well pleasing unto God but are an offense unto him, and sin against him.
Even the sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination unto him. If a man come before the Lord with thousands of rams and ten thousands of rivers of oil and if he give the fruit of his body for the sin of the soul and cover the altar with tears and is not led with a measure of God's Spirit, none of all these works are accepted. Neither his preaching, praying, baptism, breaking of bread, nor any other observances towards God whatsoever are good in his sight, but evil and to be condemned, and the root from whence they spring, because man is in the enmity against him and not changed out of the old root.
In that state he is not led with the Holy Spirit of the Father, and the root being bad, the branches are evil. None are accepted of God in any thing which they perform towards him but such as are in Christ Jesus, the second Adam, and made new creatures. So that it is not for the creature's sake that any work is accepted or an offense against God, but only for his namesake, and because of being guided or of not being guided with the measure of God's pure Spirit. Therefore are man and his works good and accepted or evil and not regarded, but condemned of God.
Man's state in the first Adam, in transgression, is a state of perfect enmity against God. Death reigns in every man, and he is possessed with blindness and ignorance and unbelief, and is wholly imperfect to receive the things of God's kingdom or to act any thing for God acceptable to him. Man in that state is wholly dead to God and insensible of the presence and power and life of his Creator, for he is driven from God and is not led by him. He hath no power to perform any good in the sight of God, but is possessed with evil and led into all evil continually.
He is free from righteousness and free to do all evil, being the servant of the devil and subject to him, and overcome of him every moment, and is led by him to transgress against the Lord. His heart is unclean, and out of it proceeds continually uncleanness in all manner of words, thoughts, and actions which flow out of the corrupt fountain, which grieve and vex the Lord and his Spirit. He is dishonored daily by man through his abuse of God's creatures. Man is a devourer and destroyer of them and not a preserver as he ought to be, who abuseth them upon his lust, and not to the glory of the Lord. He loves the creature, and worships the creature, and is gone after the creature, and hath forgotten God who made him and all things, and hath lost his own dominion wherein he was set in his creation.
His state in his transgression is cursed of God and without the peace of God, being in the enmity against him. And in all things he is wholly unprofitable to his Maker and only profitable to himself and to the devil. This in short is the state of every man in transgression before conversion. But his state after conversion is a state more blessed. For man is changed and renewed, and translated by the power of the Lord through the working of the eternal Spirit. Through conversion his mind is changed and his heart is renewed. The old is done away and a new heart is given, and all things are become new, even every word and work.
Every intent and purpose of his mind is converted unto another end, and guided by another Spirit, than before his conversion. Man is again returned to God, into the sense and feeling of his Maker, and into covenant with him where he is blessed, and all things to him. Reconciliation is made with God, and the evil is judged and condemned, and sin is taken away, and blotted out and not remembered. Man is become a servant unto God and serves him only in all things, and not himself or any other creature in any thing. He hath received power to become a son to God and hath received power over the devil and his temptations, and death is destroyed and the effects of it are ceased, and the sting of it is taken away. Life and immortality are brought to light, and man is made capable to act in all things for the glory of his Maker.
God hath made Christ wisdom to him, to rule him and guide him in all things, and righteousness to cover him, and justification to him, to clear him in his sight. And the new man is brought forth, the creating in Christ Jesus unto good works is known, and the birth which is heir of God's kingdom is witnessed. Unto this man is the Lord become an everlasting light and a sure hiding place, for he is not the servant of sin, but of righteousness, nor an offense to God in any of his works. But for his name sake he is well pleased with him. He is his teacher in all the ways of peace, he is his helmet and his shield, and his hope of salvation, his shepherd to feed him and preserve him at all times.
Though he may be tempted, yet he is not overcome, for God is his strength. Though he may be tried, yet he is not forsaken of the Lord. Though he may be cast into the fire, it is not to consume him, for the Lord is with him. All things he receives as from the hand of God, and all creatures he enjoys in the covenant with God. And peace is in all his ways, for it is the Lord that works in him both to will and to do of his own good pleasure.
This is the state of the new man brought forth in conversion, which is a turning of the creature from the power of Satan (which rules in every man, before conversion) to the power of God, who is the ruler of every man that is truly converted. This is the truth as it is in Jesus, which I have received from God; he that can receive it let him, and if any have an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith.
This conversion of the creature is wrought by the Spirit of God through the ministry sent of him. And even for this cause have we received the ministry of God through the Holy Ghost, that we might publish these things abroad, that all people may come to the knowledge of them, and may taste, and handle, and feel of the same word of life in themselves, which will reveal the knowledge of these things to them, that they may have fellowship with us. And truly our fellowship is with the Father and with the Son.
And now be it known to all the world, and to all people in it, that the Lord hath raised up a people, and brought forth a seed to bear witness of his name, and of his dominion and power in all the earth. Of these truths, with many more, which are but one in Christ Jesus, hath God given us the perfect knowledge, even wrought them in us, and revealed them to us by the eternal Spirit. And as that same Spirit doth and shall move in us, do we and shall we bear witness of these truths unto all people upon earth whatsoever, both by doctrine and conversation, holding forth the testimony unto others which we have received of God, that Christ may be exalted, and his kingdom set up in the world.
In comparison of this, that we may serve God in our generation by bearing witness of these things which we have heard and seen, nothing of this world, our liberty, our life, nor any other thing whatsoever is dear unto us. Yea, even for this cause, that the name of the Lord may be testified of, do we give up ourselves continually to suffer all manner of evil in words or works. We love not our lives unto death, that truth and righteousness may be exalted. And this is the cause wherefore we pass through many dangers on every hand and are in perils often.
We are not, nor can be, afraid of the face of any man, even that the Lord alone may be exalted, whose name, and honor, and truth, is more dear unto us than any other thing. For it have we forsaken all, and counted it as nothing in comparison of the knowledge of Christ and his truth herein declared and witnessed to the whole world to whom it shall come. And the light of Christ in every one shall give testimony to it, unto which I do commend myself and these truths to be witnessed.
And know ye assuredly that God who is just and righteous in all his ways setteth the way of life and the way of death before every man. He hath appeared in this generation and caused his voice to be heard in the earth, and set the way of death and the way of life before you, and all that perish it is through unbelief and because they despise the way which God hath prepared. He hath prepared a way for life and salvation unto all people, that all may come to life and salvation, and may not perish.
He hath not shut out any creature, but giveth to every one that cometh into the world a day of visitation and a time of repentance and returning, that healing may be received from the Lord, who is the restorer of lost man, and there is not another. So that if man perish, it is of himself, and not of God who hath so loved mankind that he hath given his Son, his own wisdom and his power, into the world, that all that receive him, Christ Jesus, may have everlasting life.
They that receive him not, perish, because of unbelief, whereby they are hardened for destruction. Unto such, our gospel, the gospel of God, is hid. His eye is blinded by the God of this world so that they cannot see the things which be eternal, nor believe in him from whence life comes. Such are stumbling at Christ the foundation, and therefore shall be broken, and must not inherit the kingdom of God. Unto such, though they be wise in the kingdom of this world, are we become fools for Christ's sake, and our testimony cannot be received by them, nor approved of them, even them that seek after a sign and them that seek after wisdom. To such we are not known, nor can our testimony be acceptable to them, which is not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in the demonstration of God's Spirit and in the simplicity of the truth. This is of great price with the Lord, even above knowledge and all wisdom which is of this world, which comes to nothing, for the Lord will confound that and bring it to nothing.
For the world by its wisdom doth not know God, neither can it receive the things of God, but is foolishness in the sight of God. And the wisdom of the world must be offended in him and in the testimony which is given of him, and the princes of this world. The wise men must stumble and fall, the powers of the earth must be offended at him, that they may be confounded and brought to nought. All the heathen shall rage, and the people shall imagine a vain thing.
But what of all this? The testimony of the Lord is true which he hath given us to bear of his name, and of it we are not ashamed before the race of the whole world. We are armed to suffer for it and not only to subscribe to the truth of it with our hand or to declare of it with our tongue and pen, but also, if we be called to it, to seal it with our blood. Wherefore this is sent among you all, rulers, teachers, and people, to give you the certain knowledge of what we hold and bear witness to, which is received of us from God and borne witness of, to you by his Spirit, even those things, with many others, which we have not received from man, but from God, are we purposed in the Lord to declare abroad.
He hath put it into our hearts to fulfil his will herein, for he hath spoken, who can but prophesy. He hath given the word, and many are they that publish it in faithfulness against the kingdom of the man of sin, which hath long been exalted in the earth over the seed of God, which the Lord is now gathering and establishing his covenant with. Jerusalem, that hath long lain waste, shall be made the praise of the whole earth, and the Gentiles, who have polluted her, shall be cast out, and the saints shall rejoice over all their enemies.
And know assuredly from us who know the Lord that God is doing great things in the earth. He is begun to work and his arm shall bring it to pass. He will overturn and overturn and is bringing to pass, till he comes to reign whose right it is, who will change times and things, even that which cannot be believed, though a man declare it unto you. The eye shall bless that sees it and the heart shall praise that can understand; and behold the Lord comes quickly, and they are blessed that wait for him. His reward is with him, and his glorious work is before him, to be wrought by his own hand without the help of any other; for he needs not the help of man. And he that doth oppose him shall be overthrown, confounded, and destroyed.
All ye kings, princes, rulers, and people whatsoever, know ye assuredly that we are not enemies against, but friends unto, all civil government, and to all just and righteous orders and decrees, and wholesome laws and customs of any commonwealth; and no way are we destructive to, or destroyers of the peace and welfare and wholesome laws, which are according to God, of any nation whatsoever. But we are preservers of the peace of all people, and wait in patience for the establishment of justice and true judgment; that righteousness may spring forth and the government of all nations may be according to the law of God.
Neither are we such who make void the just government of any nation or city. Neither are we such who through evil purposes, plot, conspire, or contrive evil in our hearts against any governors or government whatsoever; but wish peace and truth, and the fear of the Lord unto all men and nations, and desire not the overthrow or evil to any people or their government. We are subject to just government everywhere by obedience to it and subject to evil government by suffering in patience under it. So that righteousness alone we wait to see set up through the world, and for that cause suffer patiently under our enemies, not seeking revenge against them, nor envying the persons of any, but pity our enemies and desire their repentance rather than their destruction.
Yet this we give all to know, that the Lord will be avenged on all them who hate the way of righteousness and all that oppose the Lord and his way, and despise his truth which he hath revealed. They shall be confounded and broken to pieces, and they shall confess to the Lord, his way, and his truth in the day of their destruction.
Again, let all the earth know that against all unrighteousness, injustice, oppression, murder, and drunkenness, and all sin whatsoever we do declare, and we acknowledge ourselves to be enemies against all sin and them that commit it. We cannot hide sin and iniquity in any but give our testimony against it, and against all that live in it, without respect to men or places. We cannot flatter any man in his transgressions, but say that lying, swearing, drunkenness, covetousness, injustice, dissimulation, hypocrisy, murder and envy, lust of the flesh, pride and wantonness, and all the works of the flesh whatsoever are contrary to God and of the devil; and they that live in them and bring them forth are the servants of the devil and must not inherit the kingdom of God, who bring forth those works, which grieve the Spirit of God and vex his righteous soul.
This is that government only, viz., the government of sin and death, which we declare ourselves enemies to, which is of the devil, and not of God. This is that government which we testify against, and war against, by the sword of the Spirit of God and by his power, and not by carnal weapons, or subtle conspiracies, or violent insurrections, for this way and by this means shall not the government of Satan be overthrown or the kingdom of Christ ever be exalted.
We are not such as disannul or make void the covenant and bond of relations, or teach any so to do, or give any example by our practice to any subjects to be rebellious to their governors, or children to be disobedient to their parents; or that servants be undutiful to their masters. But on the contrary, we do say and affirm that it is the duty of subjects to be obedient and subject in the Lord to their rulers and governors, whether kings, dukes, or others, who have rule over them. We also say that children should be obedient to their parents, servants should be dutiful and subject to their masters in the Lord in all things, and husbands and wives should live in all unity and peace in the Lord.
However, if rulers, parents, masters, or husbands require of their subjects, children, or servants, or any other whatsoever, that which is unjust and contrary to God and his righteous law , in such a case we say that subjects, children, servants, and all other whatsoever are free. We say that where man requires any thing contrary to God, and God requires another thing contrary to man, obedience to God is rather to be chosen, and the obedience to all men is to be denied. This is our judgment, which is according to truth, and is the mind of God concerning subjection and obedience, and the duty of relations one to another.
And lastly, know ye assuredly that we do not hold and maintain any thing by conversation or doctrine, but the very same truth in word and practice, as all our forefathers did; but bear witness of the same salvation by the same Christ as they did, and are not setters forth of strange gods. For no other God is worshiped by us than he whom Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and all the rest of the servants of the Lord in every generation worshiped, served and obeyed. Neither are we such as do maintain heresy, error or idolatry, or the worship of any strange God, though often we are accused falsely, yet against us it cannot be proved truly.
We give the whole world to know that no other end, purpose, or design is in our hearts, but only to fulfil the will of God in all things, as it is to us made manifest. Even this is the resolution of our hearts, and the full purpose of our minds, to give testimony through the world, as we are moved, both by writing and declaring of these truths which to us are known from the Lord, that truth and righteousness may come to reign. This may we do as the Lord provideth way for us, not fearing the face of any man nor being afraid of the threatening of high looks. And that we may finish the testimony given us of God, our life or any other thing is not dear unto us. And all ye people everywhere, for your sake is this written, to give you warning and true information of the work of the Lord, and what he is about to do, that you may hear and understand, and may receive the knowledge of those things which belong to your peace, and may be saved with an eternal salvation. Otherwise, through this are you wholly left without excuse, if you perish. And unto this was I pressed in spirit for many days, that all the world may be satisfied, what we are, and what we hold, and what the purpose of the Lord is.
I, whom God hath warned, do warn all people upon the face of the earth that you prepare, prepare to meet the Lord, for he is coming, and his day is nigh at hand, and his judgments shall be revealed in the earth, and all flesh shall tremble before him and all the inhabitants of the world shall be confounded at his presence. The proud shall be abased and the poor shall be exalted. The high and lofty shall be brought down and the meek and upright shall be set up. Truth shall reign as king, and deceit shall utterly be confounded. They that now suffer all manner of evil for the name of Jesus shall possess everlasting freedom, and the dominion shall be in their hands, and they that now cause the just to suffer shall go into endless captivity. The seed of God shall spring forth and flourish, but the seed of evil doers shall never be renowned. And between these two seeds is an enmity put, and they can never be reconciled. Each seed hath its fruit, the one is cursed and the other is blessed, and each seed is known by its fruit and must receive from the Lord accordingly.
Quaking and trembling at the word of the Lord by the servants of the Lord, we do own, when the power of God reacheth to the witness of God in the creature, which brings condemnation upon all high looks and upon the lofty nature, which causeth the earthly part to tremble. We do own, and many of us do witness, the quaking and trembling which is by the operation of the Spirit of God. And the several operations by the one Spirit we own, which brings down proud flesh, whose honor God will lay in the dust and bring it to everlasting contempt. When this comes to pass, quaking shall not be a strange thing, nor the name reproached, as it is at this day by the proud spirits of men who know not the work of the Lord nor the operation of his Spirit.
Moreover and beside all this, let all the world know that our conversation, life, and practice is one and the same with what we hold forth in words, and that we give as large a testimony of God amongst us by pure conversation as doctrine, and do deny them who give testimony in words only, and answer not in their conversation. That is hypocrisy, and our souls loath it, and it is abomination in the sight of the Lord, where he is professed in words and not walked to in purity and righteousness of life. For righteousness being brought forth in the heart, works of righteousness will spring forth in the world ; and where righteousness springs not forth in the world and the fruits of the knowledge of God, it shows that righteousness is not in the heart and that God is not known.
Also concerning our government, it is according to Christ, whom we own to be head amongst us, and no other head we have or do bow unto. And we are but members of his body, joined to him through the Spirit, as head over us all. The greatest of us is but a member of Christ, who is the head alone. We have not another, neither can we be subject to any other government but his, or obey any government but what is justly according to his, whose government must be set up in the earth. And for it we wait, and labor, and travail, and count nothing hard, but all things are easy to us, for this prize which is before us, even the government of Christ to be set up, and all governments of men established according to it. And this is our testimony which we give forth in words and practice, and if it be required, we will seal it with our blood.
Given forth by a servant of the Lord,
Edward Burrough
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