An Epistle to go abroad among Friends in Westmoreland and Cumberland, and elsewhere among the flock of God.
Friends, my love and life, which is not of this world but is in the living God, doth reach unto and salute all you that are in the light of life and in the truth itself which changeth not, but endureth for ever, which we receive of God the everlasting Father, through the gospel, which came unto us in the demonstration of the Spirit and of power, changing us from death, which reigned over us, to life, in which we have power over death, and turning us from the power of Satan, wherein we were held, unto the power of the living God, wherein we became fruitful and a good savor unto him through the nations.
Dearly beloved, in the same truth be faithful unto death, in that which cannot sin nor be overcome of the tempter, in which Satan hath nothing, wherein only stand our fellowship and union one with another, as we abide in the living vine Christ Jesus, the light of the world, in whom you have believed unto eternal life and have entered into the rest which is prepared. As you continue therein, you cannot be moved or shaken, but are as Mount Zion, established in the power, and life, and wisdom of the everlasting God, which condemns darkness and all its works and gives dominion and rule over all the powers of death and hell, which work in the children of disobedience who know not God nor receive the truth, much more in them who turn from the light and knowledge of the truth into the liberty of the flesh to serve sin, having made shipwreck of fear, and of faith and a good conscience. These shall bear their own shame and condemnation in the sight of God and man and shall have no part with us in the inheritance of peace and righteousness, but the latter end of such is worse than the beginning.
Wherefore you that are in the covenant of peace, where sin is not remembered nor committed nor the unclean thing touched, dwell and abide in the life of God and in his strength, which reigns over all the world with its temptations, and over all false brethren, and over all deceitful workers, whose eye becometh darkened and their heart hardened through the deceitfulness of sin, turning the grace of God into wantonness, and giving liberty to the unclean thing, which is accursed.
In the counsel of the Lord God walk before him, and keep yourselves pure and undefiled, and partake not of the deeds of the wicked neither give place to the devil to be perverted by him from the truth of the living God, which is truth in itself for ever, though the backsliders despise the way of it. Every one abide in your own and know a measure of the strength of Christ Jesus in you to defend you from the enemy, who seeks to beguile and to devour and to divert from the perfect way of life and peace.
Dwell in your own measure of the grace of God, which is perfect, which is sufficient to teach and lead and preserve in all the ways of God and which the unclean cannot walk in. He that keepeth you, reproveth, condemneth, and casteth out the devil and all his works and workers, who abide not in Christ Jesus, nor in the truth wherein we worship the Father, who are called of him, and are faithful and chosen followers of the Lamb, who taketh away our sin, and giveth power over it, and over the tempter, who seeketh to betray the Just One.
From the eternal God I warn you, every one know a hiding place in God. The day of great shaking cometh upon the garden of God. The beast that had a wound by a sword, whose deadly wound is healed, may live and power may be given him for a moment to make war against the Lamb and his followers, and Satan may prevail to winnow you and try you for your life. Therefore be armed with the whole armor of light which manifesteth the mystery of iniquity and the working of spiritual wickedness in high places, and which defendeth you from his power out of the snare of the devil, in the simplicity, as it is in Christ Jesus, who is our rock and our strength, by which we overcome the fiery darts of the enemy which come against us.
Dwell in the truth, that you may know the life which standeth in God, with whom there is no shadow of turning. He is the same forever, and keepeth covenant with his own elect, who cannot be overcome of the devil, nor deceived. Abiding in him ye cannot sin, but are kept from being touched with the wicked one in the way, and in the truth, and in the peace of God, lively and precious in his sight, to serve him in fear and faithfulness.
If any go out from the light, the living way, they become as withered branches, to be cut off from the body, no more to have fellowship in the body, but are reproved and judged with that which keeps us in the body. Though some go from the Lord, yet his faithfulness endureth forever, and his promise is yea and amen to his own seed, which keep covenant with him, and fulfill his law of righteousness and judgment. He that breaketh covenant, let him be condemned so that the creature may be saved in the day of the Lord, for in them who draw back, God hath no pleasure, but is oppressed and his soul vexed. Therefore all walk in God's wisdom which is pure and peaceable. Let not the name of our God be spoken against through any of you who have been partakers of the word of truth, through any disobedience or ungodly walking, but rather deny your own liberty rather than make it an occasion to the flesh, wherein Satan's strength stands, so you will receive God's blessing and his nourishment unto your souls and will be preserved in faithfulness, not to end in the flesh, you that have begun in the Spirit.
This in pure love towards you all, as a testimony of my love to the seed of God in you all, was I moved to write as seeing in the light the day cometh upon you, of which some may not be aware. And I am clear thus far of the charge committed to me of God towards you, and am in the truth itself, which cannot change, and am in it your friend in the service of the Lord God.
Edward Burrough
A second General Epistle to all the Saints.
A servant of the Lord and minister of Jesus Christ, thereunto ordained and called through the powerful operation and gift of the Holy Ghost, unto all his brethren in the same life, who are born of God and are witnesses of his power, and unto all the saints and churches of Christ who have believed and received the sure and faithful testimony and are called with the heavenly call to follow the Lamb whithersoever he goes, who is given to you and received of you, a light, a guide, and a teacher in all the ways of God. Unto you all that are scattered abroad in the world, whether in bonds or at liberty, whether strongmen or children in Christ, I send greetings and above all things desire and pray unto the Father for your increase in the knowledge of him, and faithfulness in all his ways, and that the increase of his government may abound among you and that grace, mercy and peace may be plentifully enlarged, that nothing may be lacking to you in any thing of that which maketh perfect, but that in Christ Jesus you may be complete and through him you may receive power and thereby be strengthened to do all things.
My dearly beloved and longed for in the fellowship of that Spirit which hath begotten you to be sons and daughters of one Father, and heirs and fellow-members of that inheritance of life, peace, and rest which abideth for ever. Oh, how I long to meet you all in this, and to find you perfectly settled and established upon the sure foundation which God hath laid amongst you beyond all doubts, and fears and stumblings, above the world and all its temptations, and above hell and death and all the ways thereof, having all the powers of darkness subjected under you, serving the Lord in perfect holiness, walking in his strength and wisdom, showing forth his light in the world as his redeemed people.
My desire is more and more kindled and enlarged towards you all, that you may perfectly attain to the knowledge of the great mystery of salvation, to wit, God dwelling in you! I say, my desire is that you may know even as you are known, and that you may receive him as you are received of him, and that you may be a perfect body, growing up together and springing forth in all good fruits of truth and righteousness unto the Father, who is glorified through your bringing forth much fruit. You very well know that for this end he hath called you and in this his appointed day caused his glory to shine forth, and he hath visited and brought us to the knowledge of the hidden mystery of eternal salvation, which mystery hath been sealed up for many ages, and is kept secret forever from the wisdom of this world.
But unto us that have believed in the light of the world is it clearly discovered, as at noon day; being revealed to us by the Spirit which worketh in us the will and mind of the Father, and is powerful and mighty and subdueth and breaketh down the hardness of heart, and through the working thereof every high thought is brought into subjection to Jesus.
This same spirit quickeneth and maketh alive to God, and changeth and reneweth into his image and likeness, and raiseth up from under the bondage of corruption to live to God in all things in newness of life, old things being done away and all things being made new through the working thereof. In this same Spirit is the Father alone worshiped, and by it God is known and his promise is fulfilled, it witnessing in all things unto the Father and is the earnest of the inheritance which fadeth not away. By it know we the deep things of God, which the world by wisdom knoweth not. And thereby are we sealed and bound up in covenant with the Father. This is known to you that are children of the light, and hereof you have the witness in yourselves, and of God you are approved, and not of men.
And all ye my brethren who are called into the work and ministry of the gospel, unto whom the word of the Lord is come, and the gospel of Christ to you committed, dwell in the life of God and feel his power and authority. Live in the same life of which you minister to others so that you may bring people to God and may effectually turn them from the dominion of sin unto the dominion of Christ Jesus, that people may be guided out of darkness into the marvelous light. Cry aloud, spare not, proclaim the mighty day of the Lord in all the earth. And fear ye not, neither be ye dismayed at the face of any man, but be bold and valiant for the truth upon earth and give your testimony as you have received from God.
Preach Christ Jesus the light of the world unto all people, that they may receive him and be converted and live. For blindness and darkness have covered the whole earth and all have gone astray from the Lord as sheep without a shepherd. Therefore awake ye them that sleep and cause the deaf to hear and the dead to rise, that such as have strayed may be gathered. For this is the fullness of time. He is now seeking his sheep that have been lost, and bringing them home that have strayed. And you, as instruments in the Lord's hand, hath he chosen to this work.
Therefore go on in the strength of the Lord and preach the gospel of peace, even the power of God, that sinners may be converted and the wounded healed, and the weak may be strengthened, and they that are ready to die may be restored to life and salvation. This is the work of the Lord whereunto you are called. Therefore all who are called unto it, be faithful unto the end, and not only by word but by life and conversation also, hold forth the way of life. For you must feel that in yourselves of which you minister to others. And you must hold forth in life the same which you minister in words and thereby shall you be made manifest to that of God in all people, and God's testimony shall answer for you. See that in all things you divide God's word aright, not crying peace to the wicked, nor healing up the wound falsely, but that true judgment in all things may be brought forth by you to all people. Judgment to the fat, and bread to the hungry. They that are naked must be clothed, and they that are falsely covered must be made bare.
Improve the gift which God hath given you, to him only, and not unto yourselves. Be not hasty to utter words before the Lord, but wait for power from on high that the way of God unto salvation may be faithfully and truly held forth by you unto all people. Faint not, though your burdens and trials be many, but bear all things patiently. Love not your lives unto death, that the good work of the Lord may be accomplished, which he hath begun by us and made prosperous and powerful in our hands unto this very day.
Our cause is good. We seek truth and righteousness so that it may be established in the earth and people may be brought unto God. Into this God hath called us and hath owned us in it, and will never forsake us. For the work is his, and the power is his, and whatsoever he will, he bringeth to pass. And therefore why should we doubt or be weary? For we shall see the travail of our souls. The scattered shall be gathered, and a remnant of the seed shall be brought in, which is scattered in every nation, as dry bones, unable to live. How shall we hide that treasure which God hath given us from them that perish for want thereof? Or, how shall we rest satisfied till the scattered sheep be brought home to the fold? Our hearts are troubled to see so many thousands walking in thick darkness, and to see the seed of Israel devoured by the destroyer.
Therefore, my brethren, let us put on strength for the Lord is with us. Let us make war in righteousness for the Lord against all the powers of darkness. Let us continually be armed to do and to suffer all things for the name of the Lord, that people may be instructed in the right way. We know no man can have power over us but what is given him from above, and all that comes to pass against us is not worthy to be compared with the crown of glory and that inheritance of which we have already received the earnest, and had sealed with the Spirit of promise. The Father's name is written upon us; therefore in all things unto which he hath called you, be faithful and obedient so that his work may be accomplished.
And all ye children and babes in Christ that are begotten of God and are thirsting and seeking after him in truth and righteousness, he whom ye seek is coming to reign amongst you, and his dominion shall be set up and enlarged, and the desire of your hearts shall be fulfilled. Righteousness and truth shall meet in one, and judgment and mercy shall be exalted. Wait upon the Lord, and feel his power and his presence continually, that you may grow as plants of righteousness and may partake of the inheritance with Christ, being crucified to the world and become dead to all its ways, and no more you to live, but Christ to live in you.
Through the light which he hath enlightened you withal hath he given you an entrance into the inheritance of the Father. As you walk in the light, you grow into fellowship with the Father and with the Son. Abiding in the Son you cannot sin, for he keeps you from the wicked one and he hath no power over you that abide in Christ, who is the power of God and the salvation of all that believe, and a condemnation of all that believe not. Therefore all you that are convinced everywhere, hearken to the voice of the Lord so that your souls may live. Mind the power of God and the workings thereof in your hearts, which conquereth hell and death, and subdueth all the powers and ways thereof.
Every one be obedient to the Lord as children of one Father so that of his fulness you may receive and be filled therewith. Meet together in every place and as the day approacheth, exhort one another, that you may grow up in unity as members of one head. Mind always the testimony of truth and walk therein, and you cannot stumble. Have not respect to persons, but to the truth only, for persons may change, but the truth abides for ever. So let not an evil eye look at evil when it comes to pass, to take occasion thereby against the truth, for then you stumble and fall. I say again, have respect only to the pure testimony of truth which is sure and cannot err or alter, though man may change and err. That is the testimony which is held forth for salvation, even the testimony of God, with whom there is no shadow of turning.
Therefore, all take heed unto yourselves, that you give not, nor receive, any offense against the Lord and against your own souls. But know the seed of God in which stands the election, where the covenant of God is sure and unalterable. A birth you must all know to be brought forth in you, which must inherit, and that is it which is born of the Spirit and doth obtain the promise. It is not that birth which is of the flesh, which works by willing, running, and thinking. That obtains not the promise of God, neither is salvation showed unto it, but in patience and in long suffering is the victory received over all the powers of darkness which make war against the kingdom of God.
So all Friends, dwell in that which stops and limits all strife in the mind and gives you victory over it. None must glory in the flesh, for that glory must be confounded. But let him that glories, glory in the Lord, in the spirit and not in the flesh. And take heed that none of you abuse your liberty which is in Christ Jesus, neither turn it into fleshly bondage, and thereby the just come to suffer, and the fleshly part come to rule above the seed of God. But dwell in the cross which suppresseth every high thought and whatsoever is against God in the first motion. Thereby you will be preserved from the enemy who watcheth for evil against you and seeks occasion against the way of the Lord. Mind that which keeps you pure, for it is the pure in heart that see God, and it is he that is of clean hands and of a pure heart that inherits God's holy mountain.
And as concerning your afflictions, sufferings, trials, and persecutions and whatsoever is laid upon you by the Lord or by men, I say, bear all things patiently, and endure all things in long suffering. These things are but for a moment, and they are not worthy to be compared with the price of God's inheritance. And if you dwell in the counsel of the Lord, all these things will be turned unto your good. In all trials and sufferings, the Lord's arm will be revealed, and these things must come to pass, that truth may appear in its beauty in victory over all that doth oppose it. Vengeance is the Lord's, and he will repay; for he doth inquire after our blood, though no man lay it to heart or consider the cause or unjust sufferings of the innocent who are become a prey to the ungodly and unjust men, till God arise to plead our cause. Afflictions and sufferings are but to try and prove.
They are not to confound or destroy the Lord's people, and therefore in patience they must be borne, and the life of God felt which gives dominion over all these things. And receiving all things as from the hand of the Lord, then in all things your peace will remain and God's testimony will witness peace and acceptance with God.
And of all injustice, abuses, and cruelty acted upon you by any, at any time, keep account of it and draw up in short and plain words the occasion and manner of it, and at every quarter sessions let a true declaration of all unjust sufferings be presented in prudence and singleness of heart to the justices or grand jury by such as are wise and faithful. Appeal to the witness of God in them in such cases so that that of God in all men may witness for us. Let this be done as cause is seen at every sessions in the wisdom and authority of God, that in all things justice and true judgment may be sought after and in patience waited for, till the Lord alone, our King, and Judge, and Lawgiver, comes to reign over all his enemies and when all that now suffer for him, shall reign with him.
A servant to the churches of Christ,
Edward Burrough
To the elect and chosen seed of God in London.
To the elect and chosen seed of God, most dear and precious, who are redeemed to God and joined in covenant with him, and have tasted, and felt, and heard of the love and peace of the Father, and to all the faithful and called of God, who are partakers of the power and presence of an endless life. In particular unto you, the flock of God, in and about London, who fear the Lord and wait upon him and over whom he is the chief Shepherd.
The salutation in the Father's love, by me a brother and companion unto all the children of Zion, and chiefly unto you a friend in heart, and nothing more desiring for you than your increase in God, and that grace, peace, love and fellowship from the Infinite Father of heaven and earth may be largely increased and abundantly multiplied amongst you, and in all your hearts, that you may shine forth in the beauty of the Lord, and the garment of righteousness and truth may be spread over you all, and that the spirit of holiness may rest upon you, that the fruit thereof may greatly abound in you and spring forth from you, whereby the Father, who hath begotten you, may be glorified through the nation and among his saints through the world. My soul wisheth, that the fear of the Lord may be amongst you and his terror upon all your enemies, Amen.
Dearly beloved, and much desired after in the Lord, the Spirit of the Father is upon me to put you in remembrance of these things of the greatest price which belong unto your peace, which have been hid from you in the time of darkness, but now are revealed unto you, whereof your eyes have seen, your ears have heard, your hands have handled, and your hearts have perceived. Be not unmindful thereof, but take heed unto the precious treasure of life eternal which the Father hath given unto you, I mean the knowledge of himself, who is manifest to dwell in you and to walk in you, and to lead you and to guide in all his ways of peace and truth. This is a treasure more desirable and of greater price than the glory of the whole earth. Yea, it is peace to the soul, and gladness to the heart, and refreshment to the life to feel and witness the teaching of the Spirit of the Father leading into all truth and preserving out of all transgression.
Wherefore I beseech you all, let this be your whole desire and the full practice in your life. Then shall the countenance of the Lord shine upon you and his face shall make you glad. In all things look unto him for counsel and wait upon the teaching of his Spirit which dwelleth in you, which the Father hath given unto you, because you are his children. This he requireth from you, that his own Spirit in you, which hath begotten you, may be the root and moving cause of all your works and words, and herein will you receive acceptance with him and peace from him, and righteousness in him and everlasting joy by him continually. This is the inheritance unto which you were begotten heirs to possess for ever.
Therefore let your love, unity, and fellowship be in the Spirit, and let your knowledge, judgment, meeting, and waiting be in the Spirit, and let your ministering and receiving be in the power of God and in the Spirit, and so shall you never suffer loss or condemnation, but all your works shall abide the fire and shall not be consumed when the trial of all things comes and the foundation of every work is discovered. I say again, if the Spirit of life, even the Spirit which quickens to God, the second Adam, who is the quickening Spirit, be your guide, your leader, and your teacher in all things, then you shall have perfect peace with God, and your fellowship will be increased and his presence shall go before you, and his righteousness shall be your justification and defense, and his covenant of life and peace shall be confirmed unto you.
There shall be no more going forth, but the tabernacle of God shall remain with you always and his habitation shall be in you forever, and the promise of the Father shall be sealed unto you, and his mark and express image written on your foreheads. He that quickeneth shall live in you, and not you unto yourselves and hereby shall all know that he is your God, who liveth in you in power and dominion, and that you are his people who live unto him in truth and righteousness. This is the covenant and the promise to be waited for by you all, that you may be married to the Lord in righteousness and loving kindness, and your Maker may be your husband and you subjected under his power to rule over you and to govern you in the way of peace.
And now, dearly beloved, mind that Word of God which hath begotten you from death to life and to be heirs of his inheritance of life. Feel the Word which is quick and powerful dwell in your hearts, always dividing in you between the precious and the vile, and as a hammer and a fire, beating down and burning up that ground and fruit which is in the disobedience, from which the cause of condemnation springs. So shall you be saved from every appearance of evil and shall not be overcome thereby, nor led captive at the will of the enemy, but shall be saved from sin and the wages thereof, and no condemnation shall be unto you, if your hearts be kept clean and undefiled by the Word of God which is pure, and sanctifieth, and is but one in all his children.
It begetteth unto one life and to be of one mind and soul, and by it dwelling in the heart, is the increase of God received, though by the ministering of it, one may plant and another may water, yet it is the Father that gives the increase, who is greater than all. Unto him the ends of the earth must look for salvation, and unto him must you all look to partake of the increase of his hidden treasure daily, that you may be refreshed as the heritage which he hath chosen and may grow therein, as plants planted by his own right hand, growing from strength to strength in him, and renewing your strength in him, and may not faint nor be weary.
And for as much as mighty hath been the power and presence of the Lord amongst you and his love great unto you, and caused his voice to be heard when you were dead, to raise you unto life and many of you have had the taste and feeling thereof, who have seen the way of life before your face, that you should walk therein and live, I do warn you all in the name and by the Spirit of the Lord therein to continue unto the end, having your faith established in the power of God and your building standing on that true foundation which can never be moved or shaken, that perfect victory over death and the grave may be yours and the powers of darkness may be trodden down through the obedience of the cross, whereby victory is obtained over all the world, and the affections and lusts thereof condemned. But such as go from the cross, perceive not the power of God neither can overcome, but are overcome of the enemy and shipwreck is made of faith, truth, and a good conscience. And the latter end of such is worse than their beginning, for the Lord is dishonored and their condemnation will be great.
Wherefore, my friends, be watchful and be armed with the strength of Christ Jesus and feel his strength in you to resist the wicked one, that he may not touch you, to betray you of your life and peace and bring you into condemnation, for I am not ignorant of the many temptations which are near unto you in that place. I say again, feel the strength and arm of God reaching to you by which you may do all things. And dwell in his life and power so that ye may overcome by the Word of God and by the testimony of Jesus. Then will your peace be increased and your fellowship with God. As you overcome the enemy who would subvert your minds from the obedience to the truth, your rest in God will be sweet unto you, as you dwell where nothing can make afraid, sin and transgression being removed far from you, not having a place in you, but the life reigning which Satan hath nothing in.
This is the freedom of the sons of God who are redeemed unto him to live in him, who being dead to sin cannot live any longer therein, but are washed and separated from all the works of death. Death having lost its sting, it cannot hurt or wound you. And the grave having lost its victory, it cannot overcome you who do witness this, for transgression is hid and iniquity is put under, and life itself reigns through righteousness over all. Here the seed is brought forth, in which there is no iniquity seen nor transgression charged against it, for it sins not but rules over the sinner, and fulfils the righteous law of God and doth his will in all things. For this you must all wait to feel God's promise perfectly fulfilled in you and sealed unto you by the Eternal Spirit.
Friends, feel the life of God in your own particulars, even the bread of life which comes down from heaven, which nourisheth the birth that is immortal unto eternal life, never to taste of death. And therein have fellowship in the covenant of life and be at peace with God and one with another. That is blessed of the Lord, where brethren dwell in unity, showing love, kindness, and subjection one to another, being of one spirit and like minded, serving one another in love, not exalting yourselves, nor accounting yourselves one above another, for that must come down with shame. But every one approve yourselves to God in all things, and be known to him and not unto the world. Let his Spirit witness for you and approve you, and not man. And let the work of the Spirit springing through you be the evidence unto all people that you are by grace what you are, for this is well pleasing unto God, that his Spirit witnesseth for you and that love, unity and humility are amongst you.
Let none think of themselves above what the Spirit of the Lord witnesseth and worketh in them. Thus a sweet savor will be amongst you to the Lord, you being kept in his wisdom and counsel, in good order and subject unto him, walking as examples of righteousness to edify one another and to be a strength one to another and in all your conversations to be manifest to God's witness in all people. Thus shall you have praise of God and be approved of him, and he will justify you in the sight of all your enemies. I write this unto the faithful, who do not minister self, but self your servant for Jesus' sake.
And as concerning disorderly spirits who are not subject to the wisdom of God or to the law of Christ, such have no part with us, but are judged with the life of God and cast out. Such as are not faithful in the Lord's treasure and hear the word, but do it not, having the words without power and hold the truth in unrighteousness, have no reward in God, but their iniquity stands uncovered, and their transgression is manifest and not hid. For death reigns through disobedience, and they are not circumcised in heart, but live in the flesh, and their portion is of this world and the inheritance of life is not their heirship, for the birth which should inherit it is not brought forth, but an untimely birth which receiveth not the possession of life.
But, Friends, dwell in the dominion over such and in peace above them, and be not troubled, but believe in the truth and bear all things patiently. Be not offended in Christ, though hitherto you have seen occasion of stumbling, yet the Lord will remove them, and the path of life hath been plain before you. To such as walk in the light there is no occasion of stumbling, but offenses are seen through, and beyond, and the ground thereof judged. Therefore be diligent in the work of God which his Spirit calleth you unto, and that is his worship which his Spirit leads you in, which exerciseth your hearts always to God.
Keep your meetings in the dread of the Lord over all your enemies so that the weak may be strengthened and the lambs fed. And watch over one another, as the family of God among whom his dwelling is, who is the good Shepherd that keeps his flock and feedeth them unto eternal life, whose presence and arm be amongst you for evermore. Feel Christ, the power and wisdom of God, to reign in you and govern you all. Farewell.
Edward Burrough
A letter to all friends after Charles II returned to power in 1660.
Dearly Beloved,
Whom the Father hath called and chosen into the election of eternal salvation, and who have handled and tasted and felt of the judgments and mercies of the Lord, and amongst whom the God of heaven and earth hath appeared in his Spirit and in his power, which hath begotten you into the heirship of the heavenly kingdom.
Oh Friends! our kingdom and victory are not of this world, nor earthly, but from above and spiritual, wherein we have peace and comfort, endless and everlasting, which the world knows not of. I say unto you all that know these things, "Live in the peace, and victory, and the kingdom which is invisible, and mind the things, as your greatest treasure, that pertain to that kingdom, even the weighty matters of it, which are eternal and infinite, and that every one of you may feel and enjoy a portion in that kingdom." It is precious for a people to be subjects of the heavenly kingdom and for a man to have an assurance of life and peace in God, to be an heir of that kingdom that fadeth not away, and to have his name written in the record of Life. Blessed is every one whose hope and confidence, and peace and assurance are in the living God, and whose soul resteth under the government of the Almighty and who knows him to be Judge, King, and Lawgiver in all things. This is the kingdom that is heavenly and is altogether blessed, for peace, truth, righteousness, and all virtue are enjoyed in it for evermore.
Now Friends, you must all be subjected in all things under the power of the Lord God and unto his will, and he must work in you to will and to do, for in this is true rest and peace unto the soul, where the will of the Father is done and suffered in all things, and not the will of man, which worketh sorrow to the creature, and not peace, in the obedience to it, and where it rules. That must be subjected in you, even in every word, work, and motion, unto the eternal Power so that you may die and Christ may live. In this you will have union and fellowship in spirit with the Lord God, and he alone will be your trust and confidence and your glory. If he live in you and walk in you, then you are his people and he is your God.
Friends are to mind this, even peace, union, fellowship with the Lord, and the comfort of his presence, which is the only happiness of the creature, even the enjoyment of him that is invisible, who is God infinite over all, to whom mortal eye cannot approach, neither can the mortal mind apprehend, but in his own life manfested in mortal flesh, and by the measure of his own Spirit that dwells in us is he seen, felt, perceived, and enjoyed of us. So mind the immortal life begotten of the Father in you, that that may live in you, even the Heir of God, which is his image and likeness, for in that alone is covenant with God made and kept, and in it is the Father's presence enjoyed, and he worshiped without respect of time, place, or visible thing. If that live in you, then you in that will live unto God in all that is answerable unto him. Your words and works will be accepted of him and well-pleasing to him, even because it is he that worketh in you to will and to do all good things. He alone is exalted in you, and you subjected, and the Maker is become the Husband, and you married unto him. He lives in power, rule, and command and you live in subjection unto him, and in fulfilling his will in what he guideth in by his Holy Spirit. And this life is very precious.
Oh, Friends! live in it, and dwell in it always, and then your joy and peace will be over all this world, and you will be comforted when fear and terror comes upon all men. For the Lord God whom we serve and worship in the Spirit will cause his enemies to know his power, and that he doth and can do whatsoever he will, and will smite his enemies and wound them in their consciences, for all power, dominion, and authority are with him. He is mighty to save, and mighty to destroy, and his reward is to every one according to their deeds.
This is the God whom we fear and worship, and all flesh must bow before him when he shows his presence. Though men be high and lifted up and go on in rebellion against him without fear, yet the hand of the Lord will be upon them and he shall smite them with the rod of his mouth. Wherefore, all Friends, have respect unto the Lord in your hearts in all things that you do and in all things that come to pass, for that is blessed in a people. And they shall prosper, their souls shall be nourished, and their lives refreshed with the mercies of the Lord, even all they that wait upon the Lord and have respect unto him and his eternal power, which doeth and suffereth all things that be. In this power you must dwell and walk and feel it in your hearts, and it will be your armor and defense in all things and it will carry you through all that which worketh contrary.
It is very precious to be armed with the armor of God in the day of temptations and trials so that you may not be overcome of the wicked one nor spoiled of the heavenly inheritance. Oh Friends! put on strength so that you may stand, and never be moved from the hope of eternal life, and feel the renewing of your inward man, even the increase and growth of the immortal life in you so that you may live in that unto the Lord God and that your covenant with him may be preserved, whereby you may be a praise and a glory to him in your generation in the sight of the whole world.
You who have tasted of the presence and power of the Lord and who have known his mercies and judgments and been acquainted with him, may you be kept faithful unto the end and not be subverted by the wicked one, nor drawn from obedience to the truth, nor lose your crown of immortality, neither by the flattery nor terror of the ungodly, but that you live in the dominion of immortal life which keeps above all temptations and terror and gives authority over all. This life is blessed, where the glory and peace of this world and the troubles and sorrows of it also are seen over and felt beyond, and nothing of it can move the heart nor disquiet the spirit, nor work any separation from the Father's love. In the Seed of God where it lives above the mortal is this enjoyed by us and all the faithful.
But if the man's part live above the Seed of God, that will be drawn aside by the love or by the terror of this world, for that is changeable and the evil one hath a part in it. So that part is to be kept in subjection in you, under the Seed of God, and it must bear the cross of Christ always, else you will be overcome of the wicked one. For in that part, the man's part which is of this world, the devil hath something, a place to receive him and part to obey him. But in the Seed of God he hath nothing, neither place nor part. And so Friends live in the Seed of God, for in that is your victory and heavenly dominion, and also your election and assurance for ever, even in the second birth, begotten of the Father. That is the Heir of God, and therein doth man inherit eternal life, and rest and peace to his soul. Therein are blessings and peace, and life inwardly and outwardly, and all fulness is enjoyed. Here the Lord is the Teacher, the Father, the Shepherd, the Master, the King, and the Judge. He is become to us all in all and the kingdom is delivered to him and all subjected under him, even God with us, the Substance of all, the End of all. All the contrary is put under, even the lion and the lamb lay down together, and man lives in peace according to the promise. And the mountain of the Lord's house is established on the top of all, in which nothing can destroy or hurt the pure life. But life is in dominion over all, and death is swallowed up of it.
Oh Friends! this is the mark that is before you. Press on towards it so that you may obtain the final end of all your travail and waiting, the end of your obedience and suffering, the end of your hope and patience, and the very end of the message sent of God and delivered to you by us. The end of all is this, that you may dwell in God and he in you, and be gathered up to him to be ever with him and that he may be your all in all, and you may be to him an honor and praise throughout the world in your generation, even he your only God, and you his people.
Friends, certain it is that the way of life, peace, and salvation is made manifest unto you, and you know wherein everlasting peace and reconciliation with God stand. You also know what the cause is of all trouble, sorrow, and condemnation. The Lord hath opened many hearts and given unto many a good understanding. And seeing you know this, live in the way of peace and escape the other so that you may not come into condemnation, for it is a fearful thing to fall into the condemnation and wrath of the Almighty.
For this cause, that men should be saved from wrath and have peace with God, the Lord hath sent abroad plentifully in this nation the message of life and salvation, and you have received it and believed the report, though many have rejected it to their destruction, whose judgment will be upon them. But you have tasted, handled, and felt of the Word of eternal life, by which the Lord hath wounded you and healed you again. And many hath he slain and made them alive, even through his word and power which hath entered into many hearts, which killeth the enmity and quickeneth the seed, and which breaketh off from all the world's fellowship, both in transgressions and righteousness, and makes all void, all covenants with death and hell, and marrieth unto the Lamb.
Oh Friends! wait upon the Lord, that ye may possess these things, for to know them and be in them is everlasting treasure and riches. The possession of them is riches to the poor, bread to the hungry, clothing to the naked, and life to the dead. And if ye know these things, lay them up in your hearts as your most precious treasure, and let none spoil you of it. And if ye are married unto the Lamb, then are you the true and only Church, even his body and living members of it. For such only are the true Church, that are married to Christ and united to him in his own nature. And in that ye have received the truth and do know the truth, live in it and walk in it in all faithfulness. Be not fearful and unbelieving, as though the Lord were not with you, though ye suffer much for his namesake, for he is not wanting unto that man that doth fear his name and that walks in his way, but for the deliverance of all such will he appear. He will free the oppressed and the afflicted people he will save, even by his outstretched arm. Wherefore let our eye be unto the Lord in all states and conditions, whether of sufferings or otherwise, for from him salvation cometh, and not from the mountains of the earth. Keep your meetings in your several places and be faithful in all things so that your consciences may be kept void of offense, both towards God and men, that no disobedience or load of iniquity may be upon you, but that in the sight of God, you may feel clearness and freedom of soul and spirit from the burden of all transgression so that you may know the remission of all sin and all iniquity may be blotted out, and no guilt of transgression may lie upon you, but you may enjoy peace in your consciences in the sanctification and justification of the new man. This is the heavenly life, even upon earth.
And when you are met together in the name and power of the Lord, mind his presence amongst you, for that is life, and it will make your meetings profitable and full of virtue to your souls. And the Lord will instruct you in all that is good, and Christ will be your minister of peace and comfort, and his Spirit will lead you into all truth, and by his Word, even the speech of God in your hearts, you will be quickened in spirit, and your strength and peace in God will be renewed day by day. Walk in all wisdom, and in the fear of the Lord one towards another, and towards all people, that your righteous and innocent life, and your holy ways and works of truth, may have evidence in the hearts of your enemies that you are of God, by the shining forth of your light before them, and that the devil nor all your enemies may have ought against you, saving concerning your God and the worship of Him, and the matters pertaining to good conscience.
If any suffer afflictions and tribulation by wicked men and if it be for righteousness sake and concerning the law of your God and the matters of his kingdom, in such suffering the Lord will be with you and not forsake you, but he will give you dominion and carry you through it all in patience and faith, which gives you victory over all enemies. And nothing shall come upon you nor happen to you in the anger of God, but all afflictions shall be turned to your comfort. And by persecutions and tribulations the Lord will but try you, and not destroy you, you being delivered from his wrath and from that which is the cause of it.
Therefore, let us have patience towards all men in all conditions and faith towards God at all times, for therein is our armor of defense and our weapons to resist all our enemies. Let us give up unto the eternal will of the Father, whether in life or death, in tribulations or in rejoicing, and give our power wholly to the Lord and not unto any other, knowing that not one hair of our head can fall without him, whose power is over all and through all. So that if we live, it may be unto him alone and if we suffer and die, it may be for him. Herein peace shall be with us in whatsoever cometh to pass upon us, if we can receive all things as from the hand of the Lord and live in the feeling of that power which doeth all things or suffereth all things to be done.
And blessed is he that is not offended in Christ, who cannot be offended in him, nor separated from him by principalities, nor powers of darkness, nor death, nor life, nor anything. In this growth was the Apostle, and the same is to be waited for and blessed is he that obtains it. That which takes offense against Christ is of the same with that which gives it. For all offenses against him arise from the corrupted nature which knows him not, and that which receiveth any offense against him is the same which knows him not. Yea, though an offense may be justly given, yet that in which the offense takes place knows not the Father nor the Son. And Christ said offenses should come, but woe unto him by whom they come, and woe unto that which stumbles and falls through offenses. Therefore every one is to mind the certain evidence of the Spirit of God and of the truth and way of salvation in his own heart, and being persuaded concerning the way of salvation by the Spirit of God, that Spirit will judge every offense that is given, and not embrace it.
By that Spirit which judges and casts out that which gave offense against God may a man be preserved above all offenses, so as nothing can separate him from the love of God. But though this offense or the other may arise, yet such a one feels and possesses the mercy, love, and peace from God in his own spirit, and such a one lives in the heavenly life and cannot make the evil example of another an occasion of iniquity to himself, but he rather hears and fears and keeps in more diligence and respect to the fear and presence of God in his own heart. Yet he covers not the offense that is given in itself, but with a spirit of judgment treads it down and walks over it. And this is the right way for a man of God to walk in. That spirit is not right before the Lord, nor that heart, which takes unto itself an occasion to stumble at or deny the power and mercy of the Lord, because another may abuse them.
But if any be gone from the Spirit of God in their own hearts, their mind unsettled upon that, and unseasoned with that, then the offenses enter and work darkness and prejudice in the mind, and the wrong part being up, it receives all things to a wrong end, and it abuses God's mercies, and also wants the authority to pass judgment upon offenses, and because hereof is a man undone. For prejudice will eat out the good, destroy simplicity, wound the soul, and bring men into death and bitterness of spirit. Therefore, this is to all Friends, that you may be kept in the spirit of judgment which will not receive an offense into the wrong part, but will judge all offenses in themselves, and hereby all will be preserved. Truth must travel through all his enemies, and blessed is he that is kept faithful to the end in the power of the Lord God that reigns over and judgeth the power of darkness in every appearance of it, inwardly and outwardly.
And as concerning the times and seasons, and the present confusions and distractions that are amongst men, much might be spoken, but certainly the end of all these things shall be turned for good unto us and unto all that do abide in faith and patience unto the end. Though the present times be of an heavy countenance towards us, like as if we should be swallowed up through the roaring of the sea, and because wickedness doth abound by the spirit that now is exalted, yet in this let us respect the Lord, for certain it is that times and seasons are in his hand, to change them at his pleasure and to take them from one and give them to another when he will. The day is his, and the victory is in his hand. Oh! let not mortal men glory against him. Man's time is but for a moment, and it is our blessedness and peace to be still and to have a respect to the Lord through all these overturnings. And though the spirit that now is be wicked and abounding in iniquity, yet the Lord will limit its way.
And as for all the confusions, distractions, and rumors of wars, what are they to us? What have we to do with them? Wherein are we concerned in these things? Is not our kingdom of another world, even that of peace and righteousness? Hath not the Lord called us and chosen us into the possession of that inheritance wherein strife and enmity dwell not? Yea, he hath broken down that part in us that is related thereunto, and being dead in that nature of strife, bloodshed, and wars, how can we live in strife and contention in the world or have fellowship with any therein.
Can we have pleasure in the confusion and distraction amongst men or join in any thing with them, if so be we are quickened in the new life to God, which is a life of love and peace and free from such things? If we are crucified in the life to this world, out of which all strife and confusion arise, how can we live therein? Therefore these things are nothing to us, neither are we of one party or against another, to oppose any by rebellion, or plotting against them in enmity and striving with them by carnal weapons, nor to destroy any men's lives though our enemies, for we war not for any nor against any for the matters of this world's kingdom.
But our kingdom is inward and our weapons are spiritual, and our victory and peace are not of this world. Our war is against souls enemies and against the powers of darkness, even by the sword of the Spirit which God hath given us, and called us to war therewith to convert people from sin and death, and from the very occasion of wars and contentions about the things that are earthly. This is our calling and work at this day, and these things all the children of the Lord are to mind and to keep above the spirit of this world in all people, which all this enmity, strife, and confusion that is up amongst men lodgeth in and ariseth out of it.
These things are the fruits of the spirit of this evil and sinful world, and the fruits of the Spirit of God are of another nature, even peace and meekness towards all, and not enmity towards any. In this Spirit let us live and walk, admonishing all hereunto, and praying for our enemies and not hating them, but doing good for evil and not rendering evil for evil, but being meek, humble, merciful, and patient towards all. This is the true Christian life, learned from Christ, and this life is blessed in this world and in the world to come. They that live here are redeemed out of the world, wherein is trouble and confusion, wars and strifes.
But let us not heed any of these things, for they rise and fall in their season and are brought forth and effected in the changeable and erring spirit, which worketh not the honor of God, but is in the dishonor to him. Friends, let us be a people separate from all that live therein, waiting for the deliverance of the holy seed in all, and believing that through all these things the Lord will set up his kingdom. Thus it must come to pass that Babylon must fall with a great noise, for in strife and confusion was she builded, and therein hath she long stood, and thereby must she fall. Tribulations must come upon the earth so that people may learn to fear the Lord through his judgments. And he will speedily do great things in the world which cannot be believed by many even if it were told them, for hell and death must be destroyed and the beast must be taken alive and cast into the lake of the anger of God. But blessed are they that do wait upon the Lord and rest under his shadow, and wait in his counsel and receive his instructions. They shall see the marvelous works of his hand. But the wicked and unbelieving shall be turned into darkness and shall not see the countenance of the Lord to refresh them, but their sorrow shall be increased.
And as for me, if I were no more, this is the testimony of my love unto the seed of God through these nations, who am a companion to all that travail after truth and righteousness and that seek the Lord in their hearts that he may rule. And these things were upon me to send amongst the flock of God, to be read in all your meetings.
Edward Burrough
Oxfordshire, the 1st day of the Third month, 1660.
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